When I think of someone that exemplifies the meaning and ideals of the Florida Clogging Council, I immediately think of my nominee.
I started clogging with this nominee when we both took beginner classes with the Indian River Cloggers in 1982. He wanted desperately to be on the exhibition team but was told by the Director at the time that “he wasn’t good enough". He persevered and practiced and eventually proved her wrong a by making the exhibition team. In 1984, he became president of the IRC and has remained the president to this day.
He is not an instructor, nor has he held an office with the Florida Clogging Council, but he has been there for the dancers and others who have held offices. This nominee has provided the sound system for State Convention and many other workshops around the State since 1992.
Since becoming a member of the Indian River Cloggers in 1982, he has not missed very many Beginners or Intermediate classes and has hardly missed any exhibitions. He is someone you can count on to always be there to set up the music and liven up the show. With all his energy, he is a crowd pleaser and truly shows his love of clogging. It is his dedication and strength that has been the reason for the success of the Indian River Pow Wow Workshop. It is recognized as one of the most successful and fun workshops in the state.
He is always helpful to anyone that needs him. He is committed to clogging and is respected and admired by all of his peers.
It is with love, respect, and admiration, that I submit Bob Howard as candidate for the 2006 Florida Clogging Council Hall of Fame.
Respectfully submitted
Sandy Smallwood